Hi, I’m Gerasimos and I’m a Frontend Developer.

I build things for the web.

My work


HTML image
CSS image
JavaScript image
React image
NextJS image
Tailwind CSS image



Search and learn more information for your favorite breed, also you can find the most searched breeds from other users.

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Search for tech events, sign up, and log in with your account to create, edit and delete events, each user can only manage his own events.

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NextJS Styled Components


Search for a city and see the weather for today and the next five days.

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React Styled Components


Test your knowledge with this country quiz, answer two types of questions a city is a capital of or a flag belongs to the country.

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React Redux Tailwind CSS


See random quote, generate a new random quote, select quote author, and see a list of quotes from them.

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React Tailwind CSS


Calculate the correct tip and total cost of the bill per person.

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JavaScript SCSS